1. Florida Dance Magic (FDM) is an event that celebrates dance, friendships, and enjoying each other’s company.
  2. FDM is for everyone, regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, disability or dance ability.
  3. We expect all attendees to be respectful towards anyone they interact with both on and off the dance floor
  4. Please respect the boundaries of the person you are dancing with. If you are unsure, please ask.
  5. If an attendee declines your invitation to dance, please respect this decision.
  6. If an individual or situation is causing you distress at our dance, please see Robert Cordoba, Robin Landry or April Prince and we will address the issue at hand. If you are unable to locate us, please contact the DJ and they will have us paged. You may also email us at floridadancemagic@gmail.com with “Code of Conduct” in the title if you prefer more discretion. All reports are confidential.
  7. We love our attendees. We want our attendees to love each other. Be sure to bring all the love you have to FDM!

We reserve the right to refuse service to and remove anyone who behaves rudely or inappropriately. FDM staff will be the final arbiter.